Sunday, December 8, 2013

Week 14 Contrast

The dynamics of colors on the logo create a counter action toward the leveling and harmony of this logo. Although the eyes are drawn initially to the boldness of the "Wear", the dark border and relative scale of having 2 words "Vision Street" above  the word "Wear" balance the over all look of the logo. The lightness and darkness of the tones also give off more of an intensity between dynamics of the wording. In addition to this the equal division of tone could still be seen despite the juxtaposition of white background of the "Vision Street" and  the dark background of the "Wear". The effectiveness of all these contrasting elements creates a harmonious logo for one to appreciate.

Although the color of the bike and composition of the photo suits the branding for its name, Black Sheep, unfortunately the low contrast makes it difficult for the consumer to decipher what the actual brand of bike they are looking at. The clarity is lost as well with the lack of juxtaposition of the dark grey bicycle and the black background. This continues throughout the composition of this advertisement with the white logo of the bicycle being lost amongst the light grey frame. Although the photo is intriguing on the merit of going along with the name of the bike, it would take someone who already has a prior knowledge of the bicycle to realize what brand is being sold.

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