Monday, December 2, 2013

Week 13 Design Success and Failure / Syntactical Guidelines

Design Success Syntactical Guidelines
One career goal that I have, is to work for Tesla Motor. Tesla is both an electric car company in addition to the last name of Nikola Tesla who invented the Electric Tesla Coil. Tesla's logo and their name perfectly suits the overall branding of the company and meets the look of their targeted user. From the brands focus on only having electric cars to shape of the "T" of their logo being a similar shape to the actual tesla coil, the logo and company captures the essence of a fully balanced image that even a non appreciator of cars or branding could appreciate.

Electric Tesla Coil in Action

"T" Profile Shape of the Tesla Coil
Tesla electric car
Design Failure Syntactical Guidelines
This logo try to capture the sense of movement with the slant and American pride with the Red White and Blue logo. But this logo in no way captures the essence of the great bicycle company Redline is. The logo is better suited for a company that is making American Flags or possibly even making their products here in the US, but if anything colors gives off a false sense of advertising and may alienate bicyclist that live outside the US,

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