Saturday, October 26, 2013

Week 9, Tone and Color

How Tone is operating.

The lighting in this photo helps the way that tone is being operated. The light reflected off the cars shiny curved surface, gives the color a larger spectrum of tonality. The tonality of the back drop helps define the horizon and also helps also ground the car.

How Tone is interacting.

The changes of lightness and darkness, present throughout this photo, helps with the composition and helps us to define what it is that we are seeing. It help give the car dimensionality, perspective and the overall reality as to what we are looking at. Without it we have no representation to the image that we are looking at.

How Color is operating.

The red on the gives the car a sense of warmth and richness. Richness in terms of both the depth of the color and to the quality and prestige of the car. The color of the surface and skyline is relatively muted, drawing the viewers attention even further into the car.

How Color is interacting.

Color in this photo gives meaning to what the viewer is interacting with. The muted colors of the backdrop along with the vibrant colors of the car interact with one another to draw even further attention to the car. The blueish tone of the back drop "cools" the photo while the red of the car brings out the fire, creating a dynamic of what is called "simultaneous contrast".

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