Monday, September 16, 2013

Interactions between 3 Three levels of Meaning; Representational, Abstract and Symbolic

Midori Araki's Stump Chair

Midori Araki's Stump Chair


The visual impact of the Representational tree stumps for the end user is that of fun and humor. The physical reality is a welcoming and engaging experience for those who want to explore and see the tree stumps possible function.  The Representational look is combined with the other 2 levels by engaging the user to use the tree stump for the purpose of sitting, while also symbolizing a sense of purity and innocence with it’s white color.


The role of abstraction within the design of this tree stump chair could be from the designer’s experience of being out in the wilderness and perhaps using a tree stump for the purpose of a chair. The impact of this function-based abstraction comes out because of the universal end-user experience of using tree stumps as chairs or stools at some point of their life. The abstraction of what is a tree stump relates to the representational and symbolic because of man’s primal instinct of sitting on tree stumps when out in nature.


The role of this design is meant to recreate the relative simplicity of the chairs function. The chairs look of the tree stump creates a conversational piece that engages the user to wonder about the origins of this design. This modern approach could communicate to the end-user how trees were a source of inspiration for being used to fabricate chairs. It relates to the other two levels of meaning by creating a sense of purity and simplicity with its use of color and shape.

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